Sunday, February 22, 2009

Variations on a stripe

Can you guess which one is mine?!

I did a different painting today; I'll post it later. Still working on it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tillering the painted fields

This weekend I am taking a painting class from Don Tiller, who makes colorful and exuberant paintings. Today he walked a dozen students through his process of designing and making a painting, starting with a surface of black gesso, drawing in chalk, and applying successive layers of mostly translucent Golden Fluid Acrylics. We ended with a dozen ersatz Don Tiller paintings -- his stripey style is quite distinctive! Quite fun to see how we all started the same way (same colors, same picture elements) and end up with variations. This is a great way to learn his specific approach, and I'm happy to play with luminous colors. Tomorrow we'll work from our own compositions. Stay tuned...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Is it Real Art if it is framed?

Just picked up two pictures from the wonderful Megan at Frameworks in Port Townsend. This is the first time I've ever had my own work properly framed. She is working on 4 more pieces (by Ronald Jesty, Robert Powell, and a New England artist whose name I cannot at this moment recall).

These are collages of (mostly) acrylic colors on torn paper, made in October 2002.

Mom's new scarf

I crocheted a silk/wool neckwrap for my mom to wear; here she is on Friday the 13th of February at home, still recovering, still wonderful. She dressed up specially for me to take a picture of the shawl.

This is Doris Chan's wonderful "All Shawl" pattern, which I've now made 3 times -- free pattern on Ravelry. It's great for reading in bed. Another way to play with colors.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Mary J

Here's my mom, at the Relay For Life in July 2006. She has had some significant medical challenges since then and last night was admitted to the hospital after fighting pneumonia at home for a week. Fingers crossed.

Monday, February 2, 2009